
Hi there! Welcome to Learning Mamahood! I’m Savannah, and I’m so glad you’re here.
This blog originally began as The Savvy Plate, where I shared recipes and my passion for cooking. While all those recipes still live here on this website and are available to you to cook to your heart’s content, food blogging isn’t really the purpose of this space anymore. I still love food, but now I’m a stay at home mama to a three-year-old son and a baby girl. My days are filled with reading board books and trying to keep my kids from loving the kitty cat too aggressively. By the end of the day, I often don’t feel like cooking dinner at all, much less developing and photographing new recipes every week!
After a long absence from blogging, I decided what I really wanted to do was rebrand–to have the freedom to talk to you about the mama stuff that’s much more a part of my life these days than cooking is. Thanks for joining me here at Learning Mamahood! I hope you’ll grab a cup of tea and stick around for a while (or until your own little one wakes up from nap time 😉 ).